
Hi! My name is Eman Tonogbanua. I’m an entrepreneur, digital marketer and pastor. 

I was into construction, design, digital marketing, trading and logistics. In all this business endeavors, I was a Christian first and foremost. 

In the daily grind of trying to build a business, what the Word of God says comes first. It takes effort and intentionality in order to run a business the Biblical way. 

I want to share my journey as an entrepreneur and, most of all, as a servant of God to people traveling along the same path.    

It is true that no one can serve both God and mammon (Matt 6:24). Let’s not mistake the latter for the former.  


Do business the Biblical way


Help entrepreneurs run a Biblically-driven business

Core values

We don’t own our business. We are just shopkeepers for God.

The Scriptures above all.

Fulfill the Great Commission.

Love God. Love people.